
Hey, so it turns out blogging isn't just for self obsessed celebrities....as usual it took me a while but in true 'late adopter' style here i am. Life is full of lightbulb moments and i fear normal social interactions can never provide sufficient opportunity for me to discuss my meandering thoughts...... so if your up for it.... make yourselves comfortable. (oh and don't forget to add your own thoughts as well!!)

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Hot Gossip

Well...........it's been a while since i wrote a blog. What can i say? Oops!! Not quite sure what happened there but it seems i lost my blogging mojo. Or at least 'temporarily misplaced' it since despite all signs to the contrary ...... i've not given up completely. I'm back!!!

Hurrah!! i hear you shout, "oh how we missed Sam's inane musings".

Well never fear i am committed to producing some more snippets from my relentlessly meandering mind for your reading pleasure. But first..... i have news......lots and lots of news......exciting news...... life-changing news....... news which will, in the long-run, give me a wealth of more interesting stories to tell than what happened on my most recent walk with the dog.

My news has two parts......... the first being that i am in fact pregnant!!! Lindon and I are having our very own cute, cuddly, mini me baby........ i'm actually hoping for a mini Lindon (of either the boy or girl variety) i've seen the pictures and he was SO cute when he was mini!!

So, very exciting, life-changing news i'm sure you'll agree. And plenty of good fodder for my overanalytical, philosophical mind to feast on over the next few months. Our baby is due at the end of July, which means i don't really have all that long to cook up a whole other life inside me- in fact, i'm going to be pretty impressed with myself if i meet that deadline. I am working very hard on it though- i have been eating extra yummy food and devoting myself to quality sleep time, not to mention getting my husband to spoil me at every opportunity. I'm a grafter, what can i say!

The second part of my news is that i'm moving.......to Romania! If you've read my blog before you'll know that Lindon and i went out on a trip to Romania in December. We raised money and collected parcels and goods to take out there to help some of the Romanian people who are struggling to get by. The trip was a great success- the people we met were so grateful for the gifts they received and all of our team were so grateful for the opportunity they had to help make a difference. Now Lindon and i are planning to go back out to Timisoara and work with the church out there that helped us organise our trip.

Lindon and I have always sought opportunities to serve God and in particular to follow after his plan for our lives. We believe in a God who loves us and cares for us and is interested in what we do. A God who, like any loving father has a good plan to see his children live good, happy and meaningful lives. We decided a long time ago that we wanted our lives to be directed by God- we trust Him, and we believe that following His plan will be the most fulfilling version of this life that we could lead........it might not always be the easiest, but it will be the best. Subsequently we always make all our decisions in life with this in mind. We actively pray and seek God and ask him what direction our lives should take, what does he want us to do? What's next?

We have felt God has been preparing us for a big change for a while now and finally we feel sure we know exactly what's next........Romania. It can be quite hard trying to explain to people why we are going.......the interrogators are a little harder to appease than they were 7 years ago when we said we felt led to go to Australia......funny how no one even asked for a reason then, 'of course you want to move to Australia, who wouldn't?'

But some things are hard to explain, especially if your trying to explain them to someone who doesn't understand the concepts you are using to explain your explanation. Having never experienced hunger or thirst of the life-threatening variety i find it hard to understand how anyone can drink their own urine or eat a raw skunk....... surely you would just wait a little longer til you stumbled across the next desert MacDonalds, there's bound to be one, they're everywhere right? If you'd never experienced love you would find it hard to understand all the crazy things people do and the massive sacrifices people make for the people they love........ you'd be all confused like Spock from Star Trek.... "but it's not logical???"

If you've never experienced a relationship with God, you probably think i'm a bit of a fruitcake talking about being directed by God to go and live in Romania. But hey ho that's the truth of it and maybe one day you'll come to your own understanding of the concepts i'm using to explain my crazy explanation.