
Hey, so it turns out blogging isn't just for self obsessed celebrities....as usual it took me a while but in true 'late adopter' style here i am. Life is full of lightbulb moments and i fear normal social interactions can never provide sufficient opportunity for me to discuss my meandering thoughts...... so if your up for it.... make yourselves comfortable. (oh and don't forget to add your own thoughts as well!!)

Tuesday 3 August 2010

One Man's Junk.....

I just got back from a week camping in Wales. We went with a small group from church and a good time was had by all. We've actually been to this particular spot before, many times, and seen all the sights, many times but it's quite comforting to go there again and look at the bays and the cliffs and the lighthouse and remember all the good times you've had there over the years.

The weather this year was so-so. Which means i feel bad about complaining because we did have some sunshine while the rest of the country was having rain however there wasn't nearly enough of it for me. What i was really hoping for was the kind of sunshine that sends you scrabbling desperately around your tent at 7-o-clock in the morning looking for a zip so you can stick your gasping head out and breathe. The kind of sunshine that makes you think "you know- i don't care if my bum looks big in these shorts i'm wearing them anyway". The kind of sunshine that makes a day on the beach sound like heaven on earth. The kind of sunshine that makes you believe you might actually go for a swim in the sea - nevermind whether you chicken out as soon as your feet make contact with the water....we all know it's the thought that counts! Indeed i was secretly hoping for the kind of sunshine that would make English people complain.

Unfortunately we got the kind of sunshine that makes the clouds bright enough to stop you sleeping in; but leaves you wriggling round in your sleeping bag trying to keep out the draughts. The kind of sunshine that is completely non-existent in the morning when you decide to wear jeans and only appears at 3 in the afternoon when your well and truly dressed for the day. The kind of sunshine that is accompanied by a windchill of -15 such that the suggestion of a day on the beach produces either a stoic smile of defiance, or an unconvinced grimace (neither of which are particularly flattering expressions for the holiday snaps). We got the kind of sunshine that produces incredulous admiration for those brave souls who actually went anywhere near the sea. It was indeed that rare kind of weather which English people don't complain about. It wasn't too cold or too wet, and it definitely wasn't too hot. Remarkably, considering how far from my hopes it was, the weather seemed to illicit positively cheerful comments from my fellow campers.

Apparently the sun was "trying to come out". It wasn't trying hard enough in my opinion but i think this apparent effort on the sun's part gave it grace in the eyes of holidaymakers everywhere. Patches of blue sky were celebrated and cheered, and pockets of sunshine were rewarded with "it turned out nice again"s and rapid purchases of ice cream. The official school report for the weather in wales during the last week of July 2010 was 'good effort', however my personal feelings were more of the 'could do better', 'must try harder' variety.

Still, we had a good time anyway, and it's amazing what you find to do when the sun's not shining. One day we stumbled upon the treasure that was the Travelling Fair, which we wandered around with morbid curiosity. We dare not ride anything but the dodgems. Partly because everything looks like it was built in the eighties (ie 30 years ago!!!!) and partly because the fact that these rides travel makes me very suspicious. How safe can it be if it also has to be portable? Portable versions of thing are always second rate. FACT. Portable loo's, portable chairs, portable homes (i.e tents), portable loo's......need i say more.

On the bright side this fair was accompanied by a Majorettes competition.......it's true. Unlikely as it may seem there are hundreds of enthusiastic baton twirling, high knee lifting girls in the UK and they all convene in Holyhead in late July for a big stand off. It's definitely not something you see everyday and you can be certain you would have missed it if the sun had been shining!!! Whether you would later bemoan your loss is another matter.

We also spent a happy hour wandering the most impossibly ridiculous car boot sale i have ever seen. I know they say 'one man's junk, is another man's treasure' but i'm pretty sure this was any man's junk. You would not believe how much rubbish was being put up for sale.....i heard one lady enquire after a lava lamp that she fancied to which the man replied "oh well er actually er that's not for sale, it er doesn't actually work". This, the same man who had presumably set said lamp in a prime position on his table earlier that morning. Incredibly the woman persevered with the sale....it seems a broken lava lamp is in fact hidden treasure.

I did buy one thing from the car boot sale....... a soft toy to give my dog to destroy. I gave it to him as i sat down to write this post and it is already lifeless and limp, and the lounge is now a sea of fluff. It has provided much hilarity in it's short life though, since, unbeknown to me, it contained a sound device which made freaky mioux cross laser gun noises when it got bashed.....much to Blue's surprise and excitement. It's the best 10p i've ever spent....... (seriously though, how many items would you need to sell at 10 pence to make it worth standing in the cold at a car boot sale all day- 10 items, 10 conversations, 10 transactions, 10 times rooting for change, 10 carrier bags later......congratulations you've made a pound, thanks for all your hard work.....now, can i get you a drink from the burger van? Cup of Tea? Certainly.....that's a pound please).

So i guess i did find treasure amidst the junk after all, Blue certainly looked pleased with his present (don't be fooled by the fact that he destroyed it- he only likes things he can destroy- his tiny tail was wagging the whole time).

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