
Hey, so it turns out blogging isn't just for self obsessed celebrities....as usual it took me a while but in true 'late adopter' style here i am. Life is full of lightbulb moments and i fear normal social interactions can never provide sufficient opportunity for me to discuss my meandering thoughts...... so if your up for it.... make yourselves comfortable. (oh and don't forget to add your own thoughts as well!!)

Friday 6 August 2010

Pub Quiz Glory

Last night our grapevine group got together and attempted Dave's Quiz at The Old Hall in Haworth. It was, of course, organised with the knowledge that we probably wouldn't be any good but with the hope that we would have good fun trying. However as i looked around the pub at all the little groups of two and three people, from my vantage point in the middle of a group of ten my competitive side reared up and i began to feel quietly confident. "I'm reasonably intelligent", i thought to myself, "i have 11 GCSE's, 4 A-levels, and a degree. I listen to the radio, watch movies and scan the bbc news page whenever i go on the internet. I have had good success at exams.... i suspect i may in fact be a pub quiz genius!" Then the questions started.....

How anyone is expected to know what the oldest animal rescue centre in the country is called is beyond me. I don't have the foggiest who Alex Higgins is, nevermind where he comes from. And while i'm sure i could have a crack at guessing WHY a famous reggae singer christened Orville Richard somebody-or-other would change his name, i definitely can't tell you WHAT he changed it to.

As i sat there wallowing in my own foolish pride and bemoaning my apparent stupidity, i suddenly realised we actually had some answers written down. Other people on my team apparently knew this ridiculously random information. SWEET!!! If i had attempted to undertake this test on my own i would seriously be lucky to get a grand total of 3 questions right out of 50, but blow me, between us we got 28. Now i'm not saying we should consider a career in pub quiz's, there were plenty of teams ahead of us but get this..... we were not last!

Thank goodness for friends. I would definitely have snuck out under the pretence of using the toilet and scurried home with my tail between my legs after the first ten questions if i had been by myself. It was shameful how completely blank my sheet would have been. As it was, not only did i stay, we even handed our sheet in....and did i mention that we weren't last!!!

I know it's an obvious link but it's such a good example i can't help myself....... this is why God wants us to work together. It's not about building an empire it's about working together to do a better job. We can all make a difference in this world by the way we live our lives individually, but how much more can we achieve together. Our problem with together is often that we are jealous or insecure. We want to be more important or else we feel we have nothing to offer and we are worthless. In Paul's first letter to the early church in Corinth he deals with these issue's among the people and it's such insightful teaching;

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body.....If the foot says "I am not a part of the body because i am not a hand," that does not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear says "I am not a part of the body because i am not an eye," would that make it any less a part of the body? If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?

There are two main points i believe God is teaching us through Paul in this extract from the Bible. Firstly; we are all important. We may all be very different but we all have our specialities, our gifts, our skills, our natures. Just because some people may appear more skilled or more prominent doesn't mean they are..... they just have a different purpose. Secondly; we were designed to work together. We were made 'parts' and it's only when we come together as a group that we achieve our full potential as a whole. Jesus taught his followers to encourage one another and help one another, to work together to be salt and light in the earth. To come together and create a whole, capable of changing the world and making it more like God intended it to be.

Working together with the members of Grapevine, i know we will be able to make a little difference in our world- it might not be big but it'll definitely be bigger than i could manage on my own. I know for a fact that i will never attempt Dave's quiz by myself but maybe if we go together......

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